Here’s your new gameplan to setting goals and achieving them fast
Are you a big dreamer but you don’t really
know how to achieve your most ambitious
If yes, you will love this week’s email.
A little context first.
Last Friday, I chanced upon a podcast
by Mind Valley, titled “Five techniques to
hit your top three goals faster”.
Instead of your usual goal setting techniques
(e.g. break down your big goal into smaller
goals, identify key actions for each goals,
schedule time for these actions etc),
the host shared five techniques that were
super non-mainstream…
… and yet it made perfect sense.
I am going to summarise them here and
then at the end of the email, you can
download my full notes and dive deeper
Into the techniques that pique your interest.
So here goes.
1. Go into alpha state (rested brain frequency)
to visualise your goals and make positive
statements about your goals.
2. The universe want allies. Set goals that will
improve the lives of others and watch how the
universe will support you in achieving these
goals. This is in fact how you create your own
3. Avoid setting goals that are influenced by
media, your family or other people’s
expectations. Look within to create goals that
you are actually excited about.
4. Achieving goals aren’t just about intention.
It is also about destiny and fengshui. Learn to
accept that not everything will work out the
way you want. But know that everything works
out for your good (and destiny).
5. Forget about the law of attraction.
What matters more is the law of resonance.
To have, you first need to BE.
If you want to have riches, you need to change
your identity. Instead of seeing yourself poor,
you got to see abundance flowing naturally to
you like air.
Every time you need money, breathe and
believe that money is flowing to you.
When you see yourself BEING abundant,
the universe responds accordingly.
I am sure you are!
My notes will help.
Pay special attention to the seven identities
you can adopt to help you achieve all your
ambitious goals.
I also included a section on “asking lofty
questions” which is way more powerful
than just having affirmations. You will know
why from my notes too.
Now I know this “stuff” may be new to you…
… so if you need clarification, feel free to look
me up on Instagram.
You can reach me here:
This is going to be my last email sent
from 2020.
Just want to take this opportunity
to thank you for your attention
and your affection.
Here’s wishing you a blessed 2021!
Your #1 fan,
Eric Feng